True Life Church is a safe haven for our community, and "My TLC" is the place where we share and work together as a team to reach our community. 

On this site, you can sign-up for events and ministry opportunities, make a request for campus maintenance, and more.  This platform will be expanding and growing to best meet our needs as a church. 

We desire to see everyone at TLC be a part of some ministry where they can connect and serve others.  The Dream Team is our group of volunteers at TLC that make everything we do possible! 

FEEDBACK: If you would like to make a suggestion or ask a question anonymously you can use this form to do so: FEEDBACK FORM HERE

We use many tools (apps, website, etc) to organize, communicate and connect here at TLC.  Use the link to the right for our list of tools and download what you need to connect and stay in touch at True Life!